Home / Science and technology / The date of the start of sales of the Xiaomi Redmi 3X

The date of the start of sales of the Xiaomi Redmi 3X

Названа дата старта продаж Xiaomi Redmi 3XIt became known when it will begin selling the smartphone Xiaomi Redmi 3X.

After Redmi 3S has recently introduced Xiaomi Redmi 3X with the new Snapdragon processor 430.

These two devices have almost the same characteristics of the filling. The only difference between them is the amount of RAM and internal memory. As for the appearance, Xiaomi Redmi 3X has a more minimalist design with metal edges.

Specifications Xiaomi Redmi 3X quite common for modern devices. He received a 5-inch display, 5-Megapixel front-facing camera and 13 MP main. Sale Xiaomi Redmi 3X China will begin on 30 June.

The official cost of the device is $ 145.

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