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The choice of dishes affect weight

Выбор посуды влияет на лишний весThe bigger the plate the bigger the portion.

The choice of color and size of the cookware will allow you to eat less and not gain weight! Those who are watching their figure, it is preferable to eat from the small plates, the color of which is different from the color of food.

The bigger the plate the bigger the portion. The use of larger plates increases food intake by 9-31%. The size of plates has increased significantly since the beginning of the last century, and the use of an additional 50 calories per day can lead to a set of 1.5-2 kilograms per year.

During the experiments, scientists from Cornell University ,USA, asked the participants to put a certain amount of soup into bowls of different sizes. As a result, in the large plates, the volunteers put the greatest amount of food without knowing it. The influence of the size of the dishes remained unchanged even after participants were told about this phenomenon, had them trained and allowed to practice. In General, large plates people put on 30% more food.

Another factor acting on us subconsciously – color tableware and tablecloths. As shown by experiments, their color should be different from the served dishes. For example, pasta with red tomato sauce is best served on a white plate. This allows to reduce the portion of 21%, and white tablecloth – another 10%.

Thus, the small size of the dishes and the color contrast are two factors, which are easy to change and which lead to tangible results.

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