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The cause of the extreme cold of recent years

Названа причина экстремальных холодов последних летBritish scientists from Sheffield University have discovered the cause of the extreme cold in the winter, were recorded in Europe and the United States in the last few years.

Experts say that the reason lies in the change of direction of air flow from all sides of the Atlantic.

In the course of a longitudinal study with the assistance of international climatologists, experts came to the conclusion that the reason for the sharp fall of temperature in winter period was offset maps the air flow. It is noted that these currents are located at 10-15 kilometers on the surface of the Atlantic, but in recent years they are on the territory of the United Kingdom and the United States.

Mix of streams is dictated by the displacement of ice in the Arctic. The retreat of the ice massifs to the North leads to the fact that the current “move” to the South.

According to Professor Edward Hanna, a gradual decrease in mean seasonal temperature regime in winter in Europe and the United States is due to processes in the Arctic. The results of the research of scientists published in Science Alert.

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