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The astronomer noticed in space planetary nebula

Астроном заметили в космосе планетарную туманностьTwo helical shape, developing towards the bright center.

Research staff noticed in the sky a unique celestial body, nicknamed PK 329-02.2.

This “planetary nebula”, which was formed many years ago with the extinction of some of the planets.

Experts draw attention to the fact that PK 329-02.2 is a kind of anomaly, which by their appearance is very similar to the milky Way. Astronomers please do not confuse “planetary nebula” with the heavenly bodies large scale. According to preliminary data, PK 329-02.2 resulted in the “extinction” of some of the planets. Its structure was found, the anomaly resembles a giant gas sphere with multiple layers.

The human eye is not able to detect this body in the sky, so the research assistants used the powerful telescopes of NASA. Photo anomalies were widespread in the scientific community, and in the pictures you can capture the beautiful symmetry of the nebula is located along the center of its Foundation. Scientists continue to study “planetary nebula”, and soon promise to tell about the results of the study.

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