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Tag Archives: scientists

Scientists: gravity of the Sun and moon causes earthquakes

The most powerful and most destructive earthquakes occur during the full moon, say Japanese scientists. Japanese researchers came to the conclusion that the probability of earthquakes increases during periods when the gravitational influence of the Sun and moon on our planet becoming the greatest, i.e., during the full moon. The …

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Watching movies helps to cope with pain, scientists

Viewing touching film, as it turned out, promotes the release of endorphins that reduce pain. According to the team of scientists from Oxford University, viewing tragic or melodramatic films promote the release of endorphins – hormones of joy and pleasure, reports BBC, referring to Open Science. “The tendency to genre …

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Scientists engaged in the issue of water shortage in the world

British scientists from the University of Manchester said that the device is made to increase productivity of crops in hot regions.The development will allow to solve a question with shortage of the world’s water. Experts call this question the most relevant due to the increasing temperature throughout the world. Experts …

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Scientists have managed to grow a unique neural stem cells

Scientists say that an implanted brain cells started to perform its core functions. Researchers from the University of Luxembourg conducted a series of experiments, during which they managed on the basis of genetic manipulation to create neural stem cells basic units of structure and functioning of the skin. However, the …

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The scientists said, is it possible to travel in time

American scientists have explained why time travel is impossible.Physicists from Berkeley advanced a theory which proves the impossibility of time travel. They are certain time – this is the process of expansion of the Universe. U.S. researchers hope that in the near future they will find evidence of this theory. …

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The scientists told, when being aging

Determined by the age when the body begins to age.Scientists say that during the implementation of the tests the doctors were able to determine the age, when the body of men and women begins to age. According to experts, they have conducted numerous investigations after which the doctors recorded an …

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Scientists made a sensational statement about the fish

Scientists have found that fish are able to sing the chorus.Scientists from Curtin University in Perth made a unique discovery. It turns out fish can sing “the chorus.” A few months Robber McCauley and his colleagues were daily recorded the singing fish off the West coast of Australia. Most active …

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