Home / Incredible / Scientists: gravity of the Sun and moon causes earthquakes

Scientists: gravity of the Sun and moon causes earthquakes

Учёные: гравитация Солнца и Луны вызывает землетрясенияThe most powerful and most destructive earthquakes occur during the full moon, say Japanese scientists.

Japanese researchers came to the conclusion that the probability of earthquakes increases during periods when the gravitational influence of the Sun and moon on our planet becoming the greatest, i.e., during the full moon.

The scientific staff of the University of Tokyo studied the effect of cosmic bodies on the tectonic activity of the Earth.

As reported by experts, the moon and the Sun cause the voltage of the crust of the Earth, resulting in small-sized cracks in it immediately huge. In other words, the heavenly bodies not only cause natural disasters, but also exacerbate them.

Researchers use the data relating to the incident in 2004 earthquake in the Indian ocean. This large-scale natural disaster resulted in the deaths of 300 thousand people, and was provoked by just the gravitational force of the moon.

The most dangerous factor of threat is the coincidence of the vector of the gravitational force of the earth’s satellite with the direction of movement of the tectonic plates, said Professor Satoshi IDA. Scientists plan to continue research on the topic and found overwhelming evidence in favor of his assumptions.

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