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Soy products will help in the fight against excess weight

Соевые продукты помогут в борьбе с лишними килограммамиSoy – food product which in recent years enjoyed great popularity, especially among vegetarians.

Everyone has the right to choose the diet method of weight loss. Nowadays everyone understands that if some diets are at risk because of the lack of certain nutrients, malnutrition, or so-called “effect yo-yo” with weight loss“.

Some diets involve giving up meat, or minimizing carbohydrates and fats. There are diets composed entirely of plant foods. It provides quick weight loss, but health may be adversely affected. The human body is vital without exception, all nutrients, including so unloved slimming fats and carbohydrates. So convinced vegetarians include in the daily diet of soy products. Vegetarian diet for weight loss also not be affected, if it will be the soy products.

Soybeans rival meat?

Soy protein contains very valuable nutrients and has a high biological value. Soy products can boast the content of all essential amino acids in a balanced ratio. The digestibility of soybeans is comparable with the digestibility of beef, that is a big plus in favor of this product. In short, soy is a great substitute for meat in terms of nutritional value, but in this case it don’t get better. However, if you want to lose weight, meals of soybeans does not need daily, it will be a big mistake. Despite the fact that this plant, it has more than enough protein.

Soy – good or harm?

In the press and the Internet community is still tense debate about the impact of soy products on health. Ignorant people often confuse genetically modified foods and those that are prepared from natural beans. Grown in nature, of course, have useful properties. Marked by their ability to lower cholesterol and burn fat. With regard to genetically modified soybeans, the question of their benefit or harm remains open.

The principle soy diet

It is recommended to keep this diet for 7-10 days. From the diet excludes potatoes, white bread, pastries and pasta. After you can simply replace these products milk, butter and meat in the diet. But the main thing is to monitor your health.


Recommended for Breakfast oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with soy milk or soy cheese. And fruit or salad of shredded carrots.


At lunch soy burgers, stew or pilaf from soybeans. Garnish steamed vegetables (except potatoes). In lunch need to eat at least 100 grams of salad vegetables. No harm will cranberry juice or stewed fruit.


Fish, steamed rice, fresh vegetable salad, soy cheese,- here’s the menu for the diet with soybean diet.

Physical activity

For effective weight loss bean diet definitely needed the exercise. Minimum recommended 15-minute sit-UPS 3-4 times a day or hula-Hoop for weight loss. Ideally, if you’re doing daily jogs.

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