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Seven of the most useful products for the liver

Семь самых полезных продуктов для печениTOP 7 foods for proper liver function.

The liver takes care of us. Do we care about it – that is the question?

We don’t always want to and have time to eat right, sometimes allow ourselves to indulge in fatty foods and alcohol.

The results are not long to wait. Experts suggest to find foods that can help your liver stay healthy.


This product is a natural filter the liver. Useful substances contained in the beets, increase the fermentation process and normalize the liver. Enter in the diet of beetroot juice. To improve the effect you can make a beet-carrot cocktail. The juice must be fresh from the farm vegetables grown without chemicals and fertilizers. It is also important to remember that use fresh juice only after he will stand in the clear for a while.


This vegetable there are in every kitchen. Cabbage is useful regardless of the sort, cabbage, Brussels sprouts or broccoli, all good options. This valuable product removes toxins from our body and purifies it in a natural way, so eat cabbage as often as possible and in any form.


This rich source of vitamin C helps convert toxins into substances that are naturally excreted. A glass of warm water with lemon in the morning is simply necessary – it triggers our body adjusts to the work and elevates the mood and of course facilitates the entry of unnecessary substances.


Like all citrus fruits, grapefruit has the right formula of natural amino acids. The juice of this food product will provide liver cleansing the natural way. This is a godsend in the battle with toxins. And yet, it burns fat, so you will not only get rid of toxins and improve liver function, but also be able to lose weight. The effect is stunning.


Traditional fruit that is impossible not to love. Apples help remove toxins, and this is very important, an Apple a day is sure to be in your diet. Pectin contained in apples, removes harmful substances from our body, it relieves the liver from the extra load and adds to it the necessary vitamins and trace elements.


It is necessary and important spice for your liver. Turmeric fights toxins and harmful substances in our body, filters and outputs them. Add this spice to your food, it will make her taste and noble Golden tint, and will also make your liver healthier.


Walnuts – a great detoxifier. They contain useful omega 3 and important ingredient is arginine which detoxifies ammonia from the body. Indispensable product containing vegetable fats, which means that they are more easily absorbed, digested and does not burden the liver.

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