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Foods for cleansing the liver

Продукты для очищения печениEvery day, each of us is exposed to many harmful factors.

The liver as an important organ as the brain or heart will not live without it no living thing.

But it can be called a specific body, the main laboratory, which tied the whole metabolism, providing us life.

All a person has eaten, drank or taken as a medicine, everything that came in his gastrointestinal tract, perevarivat there, not absorbed into the General circulation and is going into the portal vein, which takes it all to the liver for recycling and disposal. And only after passing this “customs” through the hepatic vein, purified and enriched with all the necessary blood gets to heart, brain, lungs and all body cells.

It is the liver helps the body to clean the blood from toxins and harmful substances. As a result, many after the holidays feeling tired, weakness, but not everyone knows that it is connected with the condition of this important body.

Offer in advance to think about the foods that help the liver to quickly be cleansed.

Here are a few signs that may indicate problems with the liver:

⚫ heaviness in the abdomen;
⚫ loss of appetite, nausea;
⚫ General weakness, fatigue, malaise;
⚫ headaches;
⚫ discomfort and aching pain in the region of the liver and gallbladder (under the ribs on the right).

To cleanse the liver and improve its work, eat most of these foods:

1. Milk Thistle

This plant is most commonly used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases. The secret of its action lies in the seeds, which contain silymarin, which acts as an antioxidant. It stimulates liver regeneration and prevents harmful toxins in the cells of the body. Milk Thistle can be purchased in a drugstore and taken after welding according to instructions.

2. Sage

The decoction perfectly removes toxins and purifies the liver. If there is no time to cook the broth, just pour a teaspoon of sage Cup of boiling water and let steep for at least 15-20 minutes.

3. Lemon and lime

Get in the habit of adding a slice of lemon in tea or water, drink lemon juice. This will help the gallbladder to produce more bile, which will contribute to more rapid digestion and eliminate toxins, but also serve as prevention of cholelithiasis.

4. Garlic

In this healthy foods contain substances and trace elements, which stimulate the liver and eliminate toxins. Garlic also contains a lot of allicin and selenium which protect the liver from harmful toxins. Even one clove of garlic a day will provide an invaluable benefit throughout the body and activates enzymes in the liver.

5. Grapefruit

High content of vitamin C in this fruit stimulates the natural process of detoxification by the liver. In addition, the grapefruit will help burn excess fat that can accumulate in the liver.

6. Beets and carrots

Both of these vegetables are very useful because they contain a lot of flavonoids and beta-carotene, which improve the functioning of the liver.

7. Green tea

In this pleasant drink many herbal antioxidants that help eliminate toxins and cleanse the body.

8. Apples

Pectin, in large quantities contained in apples, cleans toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. It facilitates the work of the liver and accelerates the process of General cleansing of the body.

9. Nuts

In the nuts contain a lot of arginine is the main amino acid the body, which stimulates the functioning of practically all organs and systems. There’s lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate liver cleansing, according to Marketeam.

10. Cabbage

Many types of cabbage, activate the activity of enzymes the liver to neutralize toxins (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, etc.). Especially healthy soups with cabbage, stewed or pickled cabbage.

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