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Seven main advantages of early awakening

Семь главных преимуществ раннего пробужденияIt turns out that waking up early and to be cheerful is not so difficult.

Early start to the day – the key to productivity. In the morning it is easier to focus on important tasks without being distracted by regular meetings and notice. But remember: a successful morning starts the night before! So save time for sleep – sleep is necessary for early recovery. And it will be easier to Wake up in the morning, if you prepare yourself in advance: if, for example, you want to go to run – put the form in advance and sneakers, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to НealthInfo.

Also don’t ignore simple tricks: put your alarm away from the bed to avoid the temptation of “5 more minutes”. According to research, the most successful CEOs wakes up between 4 and 7 am.

Drink a glass of water

After 8 hours of sleep (or at least 6-7) your body lacks water, which is better to fill.

Stay a little in silence

Morning meditation or just visualising of what you have to do for the day and what you want to achieve, is extremely important, but often overlooked action. Give yourself a little rest because during the day you will have little chance to do it.

Start doing physical exercise

The exercises in the morning not only makes you healthier and fitter, but also force us to think better: aerobic exercise make the brain work better.

Pay attention to long-term goals

Dedicate at least 15 minutes what you have been dreaming. Go for a jog, if you want to run a half marathon, learn new words, if you want to learn a foreign language, or view the video on Coursera so you will feel that we are moving forward.

Review your to-do list

This applies not only to urgent cases on the day, but also long-term goals. Write down whether you have achieved progress, and if not, what prevented.

Grasp the most difficult tasks

You still have time to answer e-mail or message in Facebook – in the morning you are surrounded by fewer stimuli, so tasks requiring concentration, are much easier.

Take a cold shower

According to research, it improves memory, enhances mood and relieve tension and feelings of fatigue.

“Every morning is a new chance to make things right, that is what makes them so attractive. This is the beginning of a series of successes. A few hours before Breakfast – too valuable to spend on a semi-conscious state. At this time, you can do very much. And when I want to say “I don’t Have time for this”, I remind myself – if you get up a little earlier, it will be”, – noted psychologists

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