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Scientists will soon tell us how life originated

Ученые скоро расскажут, как возникла жизньBiologists in the laboratory repeated the stages of evolution of life from inanimate nature.

Scientists have come a long way to solving the mystery of the origin of life on Earth, they say in Nature Communications.

The evolutionist Nicholas HUD of Georgia Institute of Technology said that together with colleagues he was able to repeat the stage of evolution of life from non-living matter, using two simple organic molecules – barbituric acid and aromatic hydrocarbon melamine.

They came up with a set of nitrogenous bases, very similar to adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil – the “building blocks” of DNA and RNA.

They argue that the C-BMP and MMP (as scientists have called the resulting “bricks”) was well in touch with ribose and other sugars and had even formed pairs of two opposite to each other on value grounds, as it happens in real double chains of DNA and RNA.

As scholars have noted, the similarity of their with these the nitrogenous bases in DNA and RNA is so great that, in principle, they can claim the role of their chemical parents.

Them scientists have no idea yet how it happened and they can’t explain the mechanism of occurrence of “protobuf” DNA.

“But today we are gradually approaching molecules, which formed the basis of the first living beings”, says the colleague Hada RAM Krishnamurthy.

In February, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of technology said that the first animal on Earth was a sea sponge.

Previously, scientists found that the Earth has experienced the flash of a supernova about two million years ago, which could affect the climate and thus change the course of evolution of many species on Earth.

According to scientists, the cause of the first extinction on Earth, which occurred during the ediacaran period (Precambrian), was a series of magnetic revolutions of our planets.

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