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Scientists told how beer affects a woman

Ученые рассказали, как пиво влияет на женщинуScientists have figured out which drink is stronger than liberating women.

Psychologists from Switzerland found that beer loosens up women stronger than men.

Under its influences women often talk about sex and even browsing porn.

In the West there is a steady expression “beer goggles” on the person due to the impact of beer seem to be attractive not too perfect people. And now researchers from the University of Basel found that these “glasses” are more “muddy” in women than in men.

During the experiment volunteers of both genders drank about half a liter of the drink, and then they showed explicit erotic photos. It turned out that women were emancipated under the influence of beer much stronger than men.

Swiss psychologists was attracted to the experiment, 60 volunteers of both sexes who received as beer, and soft drinks. Then they passed through the tests for face recognition and the degree of sexual arousal. The experimental results confirmed the already well-known fact that alcohol is a kind of social lubricant that facilitates communication between people, raises their happiness level and facilitates sexual relations.

The difference between the effects of alcohol on men and women, the study authors explain that among the genders in the use of the same amount of alcohol is mixed, its concentration in the blood. In addition, the threshold of sensitivity to alcohol in men and women is also different. Experiments have shown that drinking just one beer allows people faster to discriminate happy faces, increasing their focus on the situation, causing positive emotions.

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