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Scientists simulated conditions in the Earth’s interior

Ученые смоделировали условия в недрах ЗемлиGeophysicists observed the conditions in the cores of terrestrial planets.

Geophysicists from the United States, Britain, Germany and Colombia simulated conditions in the Earth’s interior. This is necessary in order to determine the thermal conductivity of the nucleus and explain the causes of the planet’s magnetic field. A study published in the journal Nature.

The researchers used a cell with diamond anvils, where the laser heats a small amount of the substance (iron) to the required pressures and temperatures (which are present in the nucleus). A laboratory experiment was replaced geophysicists observations in the bowels of the planet, which in real conditions is impossible.

So geophysicists have observed the conditions in the cores of terrestrial planets, where the pressure exceeds normal atmospheric 345-1300 in time, and the temperature reaches to 1.3-2.7 thousand degrees Celsius. Scientists have studied the propagation of heat in iron under extreme conditions.

Ученые смоделировали условия в недрах Земли

Heat-conductivity of iron under such conditions coincides with a lower bound of similar assessments taken in modern models of the structure of the Earth, and is 18-44 watt per meter per Kelvin. This means that the energy required to maintain the Dynamo effect in the core of the planet (and the emergence of the magnetic field) were already in the early stages of development of the Earth.

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