Home / Incredible / Scientists: Humans had used marijuana more 2,5 thousand years ago

Scientists: Humans had used marijuana more 2,5 thousand years ago

Ученые: Люди употребляли марихуану еще 2,5 тысячи лет назадScientists from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that people had used marijuana more 2,5 thousand years ago.

About 2500 years ago a grieving man buried in the grave and covered his chest with a brace of 13 cannabis plants.

This suggests that even then people used marijuana, according to a new study.

The tomb is one of the few burials in Central Eurasia, which archaeologists have found, and it contained cannabis. This specific grave is located in the North-West of China, sheds new light on how prehistoric people in the region used the plant in rituals, researchers say.

The discovery occurred after the modern inhabitants of the region decided to build a new cemetery near the picturesque oasis. However, the builders soon found that in their way stood an ancient cemetery. Archaeologists came to the place and quickly found many artifacts buried in the graves – bows, arrows, and the remains of domesticated animals, including goats, sheep and a horse’s skull. Scientists have indicated that ancient people engaged in hunting and cattle breeding. The ancient cemetery probably belonged to the culture Subakti, according to the analysis of the clay pots found in some of the graves. Subaki was the first who lived in the arid Turpan basin (West China) Dating back to about 3000 years ago, and eventually moved to rural society.

In General, archaeologists have found 240 ancient tombs, including the grave of a man buried with cannabis. The man was a Caucasian, he was about 35 years old when he died. His head was resting on a pillow created from reeds, and the grave was filled in clay pots, said the archaeologists.

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