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Scientists have uncovered the secret to regeneration in fish

Ученые раскрыли секрет регенерации с помощью рыбScientists have discovered how fish regenerate broken spinal cord.

American biologists were able to identify the signal protein that triggers a unique mechanism of regeneration of the damaged spinal cord of the zebrafish.

Results published in the journal Science.

Scientists have managed to identify 12 genes that are activated after injury and regeneration.

About two weeks these cells form a “bridge” between the dangling ends of the spinal cord, and then there are connections of neurons.

“This is one of the most remarkable examples of regeneration in nature, says Professor Poss. – Given the limited treatment options available today to restore such damage, we should take a closer look at animals such as zebrafish, in search of new methods of stimulation of regeneration”.

This protein, which is able to regenerate cells, there are people, and it is more than 90 percent similar to that of a goldfish.

Moreover, additional experiments on zebrafish, the scientists showed that the human protein is able to perform the same role. Fishes with a depressed synthesis of its protein was administered the human factor and regeneration they have developed even faster than under its own protein.

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