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Disproved the myth about muscle mass exclusively lifting heavy weights

Опровергнут миф о наборе мышечной массы исключительно поднятием тяжелого веса

Doctors from Canada come to the conclusion that strength training lifting light weight is also effective to increase muscle mass as training with a heavy barbell. Dedicated to this study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, briefly about it it is reported on the website of McMaster University (Canada).

This conclusion is true if the exercises are conducted with light weight with more repetitions than heavy. On the effectiveness of lessons in both cases are influenced by muscle fatigue and not the mass of the sports projectile.

In the study, the researchers recruited two groups of men who for 12 weeks doing the post. The first team lifted light weights (up to 50 percent of the maximum allowable load) with 20-25 repetitions, and the second was done with heavy weights (90 percent of the maximum load) with 8-12 repetitions. Both groups were engaged in before the appearance of muscle fatigue.

After completion of the experiment (after 12 weeks) the doctors assessed the condition of muscle tissue and blood. Key metrics that were tracked in the study (the gain of muscle mass and muscle fiber size in both groups was similar.

Another conclusion drawn by researchers is the lack of communication between muscle tissue and fluctuations in the level of testosterone in men involved in strength training exercises. Doctors say that their research debunks the popular myth about the need to gain muscle mass exceptionally heavy weight training, and also offers an alternative and effective way of strengthening the physical health.

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