Home / Incredible / Scientists have proved the extraterrestrial origin of the dagger of Tutankhamun

Scientists have proved the extraterrestrial origin of the dagger of Tutankhamun

Ученые доказали внеземное происхождение кинжала ТутанхамонаThe dagger was made of meteorite material.

Archaeologists from Italy and Egypt proved the extraterrestrial origin of the knife of Tutankhamen — one of the two daggers, discovered in 1925 by the British Howard Carter during excavations of the tomb of the Pharaoh. A study published in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science.

Archaeologists believe that the dagger was made of meteorite material. “We assume that the ancient Egyptians for the production of small decorative or ceremonial items, much importance was attached to meteoritic iron,” say the authors in their study.

Researchers conducted x-ray fluorescence analysis of the elemental composition of the dagger. The blade is composed mostly of iron, had an abnormally high content of Nickel and cobalt. The same composition have the meteorites discovered in Egypt within the red sea coastline with a length of two thousand kilometers.

In favor of the meteoritic origin of the product also says that the Egyptians about six thousand years ago knew how to work with copper, gold and bronze, and the technology of forging iron appeared in China about a thousand years later. Scientists say that in the ancient texts of the Egyptians repeatedly mentions the falling from the height of heaven gland.

Ученые доказали внеземное происхождение кинжала Тутанхамона

Earlier archaeologists have already found items that the ancient Egyptians were made from meteorites. These include, in particular, are discovered in 2013, nine blackened iron balls found during the excavations located near the Nile river cemetery in the North of the country.

Pharaoh Tutankhamen of Ancient Egypt, of the XVIII dynasty of the New Kingdom ruled the country for approximately 1332-1323 years BC. He died at the age of 19. His stepmother was Nefertiti, and the father of her husband Akhenaten. The cause of death of Nefertiti and her burial place is still unknown.

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