Home / Incredible / Scientists have named another proof that a lot of work is harmful

Scientists have named another proof that a lot of work is harmful

Ученые назвали еще одно доказательство того, что много работать вредноPeople working more than 55 hours per week, 30% more at risk of diabetes of the second type

It turns out that a lot of work is not only uninteresting, it is also very harmful to health.

So say scientists who have examined the lives and health of workers and also took into account the number of hours a week they spend on work.

Endocrinologists in his claim that those people who work more than 55 hours per week, 30% more risk to get diabetes mellitus type 2 than those with working time less than the specified number of hours.

It is also important what the nature of the work performed. If the work is sedentary or sedentary, is not related to spending much time outdoors, the risk increases significantly. Scientists some time ago already found that 60 hour work week is threatened with ischemic heart disease.

The study was conducted for over 7.5 years, it was attended by workers from Europe, USA, Japan and Australia. The researchers noticed that, indeed, those people who worked up to 40 hours per week, the increased risk of developing diabetes was found. At the same time, those people who worked more than 55 hours per week, 30% were more likely to develop diabetes type 2.

The researchers ‘ findings, of course, does not force people to cut their working week, but many need to think about the health and time to support it.

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