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Scientists have learned to recognize smeared into the image objects and text

Ученые научились распознавать замазанные на изображении объекты и текстThe neural network is able to “see” the object in the picture, comparing it with the original.

Researchers from the University of Texas has developed a system of machine learning that is able to identify smeared faces and text.

So far, the system was not able to razmenivat” picture, but it is able to identify the blurred object, comparing it with the original. During testing, the neural network was able to recognize 80-90% of your processed images on YouTube and 50-70% of the images, smeared with the help of photo editors.

But in the case of images processed using the encryption tool P3 (Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing) accuracy was about 17%.

Ученые научились распознавать замазанные на изображении объекты и текст

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