Home / Incredible / Scientists have found new evidence of life on Mars

Scientists have found new evidence of life on Mars

Ученые нашли новое подтверждение жизни на МарсеOn Mars, found the “new” lake.

Scientists analyzing data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, found that some of the lakes on Mars formed much later than anticipated.

This is stated on the NASA website.

It is now believed that water on Mars was about two or three billion years ago. The recently opened lakes and streams could be about a billion years ago. This may indicate that the planet was a significant amount of water, and, therefore, conditions suitable for microbial life.

One of the lakes on Mars was comparable to lake Tahoe in the United States – the world’s fourth largest lake, the average depth and area of water almost 500 miles. Analogue on the red planet, researchers have called “Heart”. A single chain of lakes on Mars can extend to 150 km.

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