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Named the most simple ways to control appetite

Названы самые простые способы контроля аппетита Using new strategies that you can reprogram your appetite for a healthy meal plan to lose weight.

Why do I get the feeling of hunger, which prevents our diet and plans to lose weight? So programmed our body: when the brain does not receive the due portion of glucose, it sends a signal to the stomach, and we feel a strong hunger, and the surrounding hear the roar of the whale from our belly. Even if you’ve recently eaten, but the brain does not have enough glucose, it will increase your appetite to protect the body from starvation and exhaustion. In prehistoric times the constant hunger was a useful motivator to search for necessary food. But in today’s world of 24-hour shops and restaurants, your appetite can easily outstrip the requirements of your body. Learn how to control appetite, to achieve the desired results and lose weight with a simple strategy.

1. Exercises help to moderate the appetite
Recent studies show that exercise can actually reduce the appetite. A study conducted in the UK showed that women who worked on the treadmill for 60 minutes had lower levels of ghrelin, a hormone that induces hunger. Calorie deficit by the end of the day these women was equal to the result of the subjects who sat on a strict diet. Later in the day, when subjects were offered a buffet, dieters ate about a third more than those trained. A workout in which you burn about 350 calories help control hunger throughout the 24 hours.

2. Rapid weight loss increases the appetite

This is the sad truth of human biology. Our body is programmed to counter hunger, and it will do anything to get you back to the previous weight. The leptin hormone is to blame: a recent study showed that the level of the hormone that suppresses the appetite, decreases dramatically after people lose large amounts of weight. Over time, of course, the level of leptin increases, but until then you will experience strong hunger. During this period the main thing to understand that hunger is a signal from the brain, which can trigger overeating and reverse the weight gain. But here’s the good news: the loss of, say, 5% of body weight does not cause a change in the level of leptin. Therefore it is better to lose weight slowly, then there is a chance not to gain weight after a diet.

3. Some foods help to curb appetite
There are a number of foods that not only help to lose weight, but also reduce the feeling of hunger. If you want to lose weight, keep these four products home:

Barley: whole grains reduces the level of sugar and insulin in the blood and causes a rise in hormones that regulate appetite.
Water: many studies show that people who drink two glasses of water 20 minutes before eating consume 75-90 calories less than people who don’t drink water before meals.

Eggs: overweight Women who eat Breakfast rich in protein pishk (at least 350 calories), eat less during the day. People that skip Breakfast and those that eat for Breakfast carbohydrates a day to eat 250-500 more KK.

Red pepper: add a small amount of this spice to foods can help control cravings for sweet, fatty and salty food.

4. Some foods increase appetite
To curb appetite and to lose weight, stay away from these four foods:

Rice crackers: like other krahmalsoderzhashchego foods low in fat and sugars, rice cakes have a high glycemic index. This means that they cause a spike in blood sugar levels. When the sugar level drops, you feel strong hunger.

Sweet drinks: they also cause a sharp jump in the level of glucose in the blood. Once the sugar drops, your brain sends a signal to the stomach that you need to fill the missing calories.

Granola bars: many bars made with high fructose, sugar or corn syrup. A study from Yale University shows that fructose may cause overeating because it does not suppress hunger.

Red meat: it’s OK to eat red meat no more than twice a week. But often it is impossible, because it has a lot of iron which causes an increase in the hunger hormone – leptin.

In order for the body to adjust to the new meal plan and new weight enough 21 days. Eat right, never miss a workout and you will notice as you start to lose weight.

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