Home / Medicine / It is better to eat for Breakfast for weight loss: advice of nutritionists

It is better to eat for Breakfast for weight loss: advice of nutritionists

Что лучше есть на завтрак при похудении: советы диетологовNutritionists recommend be eaten for Breakfast foods are healthy source of carbohydrates for those people who dream of a slim figure.

Usually those who are trying to lose weight, trying to reduce the amount of food consumed during the day.

But two nutritionists from new York Stephanie Clarke and willow Yarosh claim that there is no need to reduce the number of calories to reach your ideal weight. According to them, it is important to choose the right foods which you will eat for Breakfast. Nutritionists, using a mathematical approach, developed for the best Breakfast that will help you to lose weight while maintaining a beautiful skin and body proportions.

Whole grain toast with natural peanut butter and banana is one of the best breakfasts for those who want to lose weight, according to the recommendations of nutritionists. Porridge made of coarse oatmeal, topped with walnuts and blueberries – another protein-rich Breakfast can help you lose weight, according to Stephanie Clarke and willow Yarosh.

In addition, they believe that during Breakfast you need to eat about 10-15g of fat, 25g of fiber, and 13 to 20 grams of protein. To such conclusion nutritionists after his studies, during which was developed a diet high in protein, promoting effective weight loss. Nutritionists also claim that whole grain toast with scrambled eggs with spinach and a small amount of Luke – another perfect morning dish for losing weight.

They also suggest to eat at Breakfast no more than 6g of sugar. According to them, healthy and nutritious Breakfast for losing weight should consist of foods that are high in protein, rich in nutrients and low in sugars. But if this sounds too complicated to use every day, don’t panic. Nutritionists have come up with three examples to show you how looks the perfect Breakfast for weight loss.

First, oatmeal with fruits and nuts for cooking porridge, rich in protein. Nutritionists advise to cook a bowl of cereal at 118g. To cook better on the water (50%) , adding unsweetened soy milk (50% liquid). As a flavoring for porridge nutritionists suggest using blueberries, crushed walnuts and maple syrup.

If this is not offend, Stephanie and willow offer a Breakfast consisting of natural peanut butter on toast from flour with two tablespoons of chopped banana, sprinkled with cinnamon. Another good option – scrambled eggs made from two eggs with spinach and a tablespoon of chopped onions, which you can put on whole grain toast or eat it with a bit of sugar. As a dessert it is recommended to use raspberries, blueberries or any other fresh fruit.

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