Home / Incredible / Scientists have discovered traces of the fall of the largest asteroid

Scientists have discovered traces of the fall of the largest asteroid

Ученые обнаружили следы падения самого большого астероидаA fallen celestial body was the largest in history.

“This decline has caused a series of earthquakes whose power in the order of magnitude higher than the most powerful aftershocks today, and it triggered a powerful tsunami that were supposed to crush the coastal rock. Rocks thrown into the air after the crash had spread throughout the Land,” said Andrew Glikson from the Australian National University in Canberra.

Approximately 3.8-3.5 billion years ago the Earth and Moon experienced an intense “bombing” of large asteroids and comets inhabiting the inner part of the Solar system at that time. These bombings, as planetary scientists now believe, brought to Earth, gold, water and those “blocks of life”, of which later formed our ancestors.

Geologists found traces of one of the last of such drops, which claims to be the most serious fall of the asteroid on the Earth for all history of its existence, studying sediments from ancient breeds that originated in ancient times, about 3.5-3.7 billion years ago, shortly after the Earth cooled and the oceans and the first piece of land.

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