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Scientists have discovered nitrogen compounds, the existence of which was previously thought impossible

Учёные обнаружили соединения азота, существование которых ранее считалось невозможным


Учёные обнаружили соединения азота, существование которых ранее считалось невозможным

Scientists from China and USA working together with Skoltech Professor Artem Oganov, found a complex system of astovidatu. It is very diverse, and previously it was thought that the existence of such compounds impossible. They can serve both the information matrix, analogous to DNA.


Artem Oganov says that isotonicity even more chemically diverse than hydrocarbons, therefore, one cannot deny the existence of their more numerous derivatives are much more diverse than organic compounds.

A scientist, speaking about his discovery, he developed the theme:

“You can even think about whether life based not on carbon and nitrogen chemistry, especially because of the huge amount of nitrogen and hydrogen along with other elements exist under pressure in the depths of Neptune and Uranus”.

Using an evolutionary algorithm for the prediction of molecules USPEX (Universal Structure Predictor: Evolutionary Xtallography), the researchers were able to prove that the atypical compounds such as N8H N4H, N3H, N9H4, N2H, and NH, NH2, N3H7, NH4 and NH5, stable at high pressure and possess some unusual properties.

The most abundant element in the Universe — hydrogen, nitrogen is in seventh place, but on Uranus and Neptune it, like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen very much. Until recently, research astovidatu didn’t pay enough attention, but now the researchers plan to correct the situation and continue to work in the specified direction.

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