Home / Incredible / Scientists have discovered dinosaur chetirikrilov

Scientists have discovered dinosaur chetirikrilov

Ученые обнаружили четырехкрылого динозавраChinese scientists have found the remains of a birdlike dinosaur that had 4 wings.

Archaeologists from China found in the country remains bird-like dinosaur that had feathers on the hind and fore limbs.

It is assumed that this species was one of the transitional stages between the prehistoric reptiles and modern birds.

The results of studies presented to Professor Sinoma, Swea – employee of the Paleontological Institute at Shenyang University, China. He and his colleagues sent a detailed article about their work in the journal Nature.

According to experts, an unusual fossil was discovered in Liaoning province located in northeast China. They belong to already known mind Anchiornis huxleyi collection troodontid. The remains are well preserved, so the experts can study them and make new discoveries. For example, the researchers were able to establish that the aforementioned dinosaurs were bird-like reptiles and primitive birds are not, as previously thought.

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