Home / Incredible / Scientists have deciphered the ancient passage of the old Testament

Scientists have deciphered the ancient passage of the old Testament

Ученые расшифровали древнейший отрывок Ветхого ЗаветаThe ancient document was discovered in 1970.

A group of Israeli and American researchers have deciphered an ancient Jewish manuscript found at the site burnt once of the synagogue in Ein Gedi. He suffered so much from fire and time to deploy it was not possible.

In 1970, archaeologists made an important discovery in the settlement of Ein Gedi, on the site of an ancient Jewish community. Scientists discovered in the ruins of a synagogue an ark, inside of which were several lumps of charred animal skin similar to parchment. Only after more than 40 years, scientists have managed to decipher the text on the parchment without physical damage to the finds.

The scientists used 3D-modeling and x-rays. In the first stage they determine what images are contained in structures. In the second phase of the scanned lines were compiled of letters and words. In the third stage, rolled into a scroll text unfolded on the plane.

After decoding it turned out that it is the most ancient copy of the biblical text – or rather, the part of Leviticus that talks about the breeding of the sacrificial fire. Previously, scientists have dated scroll the VI century ad, but after decoding the Dating of the text smedile for several hundred years – about the third century BC.

As scientists assure, without the use of radiography and 3D text with parchment Ein Gedi would have been lost to science.

We add that the hill of tel-mountain, which is located in Ein Gedi, is one of the most important archaeological sites in the Judean desert. Here are the ruins of a unique system of water supply of the ancient city, the remains of the synagogue, the elder scrolls.

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