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Scientists found traces of dark matter annihilation

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American astrophysicists have noticed the likely consequences of the destruction of dark matter. Scientific paper on it appeared in the journal Physics of the Dark Universe, and a brief retelling — on the website of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics.

Astrophysicist Doug Finkbiner (Doug Finkbeiner) and his colleagues studied the spatial distribution of gamma radiation in the milky Way. They made an accurate map of the distribution of energy in the region of the Galactic center.

In one of the regions scientists have discovered a bright “flash” in the gamma range. It turned out that the distribution of the energy in this place exactly coincided with the theoretical ideas about the process of annihilation of dark matter.

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Anomalous distribution of energy in the gamma range in the field of Galactic center. Image: cfa.harvard.edu

Radiation in the gamma range cannot serve as direct evidence of the annihilation in this region. A flash could also cause the group of pulsars or supernova remnant, survivors of the explosion. However, if we can prove that the reason for the change in the radiation became dark matter, it will be a breakthrough in the study of mysterious substances.

Dark matter — a hypothetical form of matter that does not emit electromagnetic radiation, but participates in the gravitational processes. According to modern concepts, the total mass-energy of the observable Universe consists of 4.9% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68,3% of dark energy.

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