Home / Incredible / Scientists found evidence of life on Saturn’s moon

Scientists found evidence of life on Saturn’s moon

Ученые нашли доказательства существования жизни на спутнике СатурнаOn the moon of Saturn found a potentially habitable ocean.

A team of scientists from the Royal Observatory in Brussels (Belgium) published the results of a study showing that dione (Dione), a moon of Saturn may have under ice oceans.

The research report can be found in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The authors reported that in their work relied on the analysis of data obtained by the space probe “Cassini” (Cassini). He showed that Saturn’s moon dione with greater probability has a huge subsurface ocean, located at a depth of about 100 kilometers. At the top it is covered with a thick layer of ice.

According to scientists, the ocean was formed in the early periods of the formation of the dione. This means that theoretically, on the moon there were and are conditions for the origin and existence of life. To make the discovery helped the measurements.

It is known that subsurface oceans have a great influence on the movement of space objects. These “vibrations” and was recorded by the space probe.

We will add that earlier under-ice oceans have been found on two moons of Saturn, Enceladus and Titan. Moreover, the ocean on Titan is very similar to earth in composition.

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