Home / Incredible / Scientists found evidence of life on Jupiter’s moon

Scientists found evidence of life on Jupiter’s moon

Ученые нашли доказательства существования жизни на спутнике ЮпитераScientists remind us that water on Europa is two times more than on Earth.

American scientists believe that biological life exists not only on Earth.

They believe that extraterrestrial life forms may be on the surface of Jupiter’s moon – Europe.

However, the researchers remind us that water on Europa is two times more than on Earth. According to experts, a moon of Jupiter shakes the oceans, the depth of which can reach a hundred kilometers. And in this water, as scientists believe, may contain complex organic life forms.

The researchers also cite the example of the isolated lake lying beneath the ice of Antarctica, which are inhabited by various microorganisms. Some experts suggest that under the layers of ice Europe is the ocean salt water, which can live single-celled organisms.

Scientists point to the crisp lines present in the icy crust of Europe, which testify to the presence of minerals. The American experts do not exclude that in the oceans of Europe there are at least bacteria or even more advanced creatures. According to scientists, in the depths of this ocean could support life.

It is also worth noting that scientists have yet to find on the European carbon and nitrogen which are necessary for the appearance of microorganisms.

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