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Scientists found a component that inhibits the reproduction of viruses in the body

Учеными найден компонент, который блокирует размножение вирусов в организме Scientists from the University of Colorado in boulder have discovered a protein that prevents viruses multiply in the body.

The basis of the developments made by the brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In the study, connection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the scientists noted that the detected protein effectively prevents the emergence and reproduction of viruses in the human body. Earlier it was reported that clinical studies showed the existence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of the virus, which is able to change the structure of DNA and RNA human.

It turned out that this anomaly produces the allocation of antiviral protein gene XRN1, which prevents massive spread of the virus. Experienced by doctors have eliminated this gene from the structure of the yeast, causing the virus became uncontrollable to grow. Return element quickly changed the situation by reducing the number of viral cells.

The XRN1 gene is also in humans, but in a more inert state. Doctors believe that the drug synthesis based on the detected connection will make significant progress in the development of antiviral therapy.

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