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Scientists: fasting helps fight multiple sclerosis

Ученые: голодание помогает бороться с рассеянным склерозомExperts conducted a study in which it examined the factors in the development of such diseases as multiple sclerosis.

Initiators of laboratory experiments of the clinical centre in Berlin, said that hunger helps to heal people from multiple sclerosis.

Experts said that during the tests the scientists wanted to find the main causes of development of chronic autoimmune diseases and possible methods of its treatment. Doctors say that food restrictions in the diet can improve the condition of the patient.

It should be noted that the experiments were attended not only by people suffering from multiple sclerosis, but also in laboratory rodents. A group of academics found that starvation activates the processes of cell-damaging autoimmune disease.

The results of the conducted observations showed that the diet helped to recover 20% of the animals. In addition, significant improvement was observed among men. Volunteers have been able to strengthen the physical and mental health.

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