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Scientists explain why dogs don’t like to cuddle

Ученые объяснили, почему собаки не любят обниматьсяBiologists have found that hugs are a stress for the dog.

American scientists have figured out why dogs hate it when their hug. The researchers found that although people love to hug their Pets, dogs experience severe stress, when the hosts pressed them to his.

The researchers analyzed over 250 images, in which the owners hug their dogs. The study authors looked at the expression on the faces of the dogs, the position of their bodies. In the end it turned out that the majority of images (82%) animals flatten their ears, turn away from their owners and even close my eyes. “These are all signs of great stress,” commented the American.

Scientists warn that almost no dog likes to be hugged. In addition, the researchers say: even if the dog seems calm during the embrace, she at any moment can bite their sentimental owner.

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