Home / Incredible / Scientists: animals in the Black sea are threatened with extinction

Scientists: animals in the Black sea are threatened with extinction

Ученые: живности в Черном море грозит вымираниеBelgian scientists at the University of Liege has put forward another hypothesis about the influence of mankind on the environment.

Scientists have predicted that in a short time, there will be the extinction of animals in the Black sea.

According to experts, over the past few decades, about 40% of the Black sea was badly polluted. The top layer of water has a lower density. In addition, the coating is more saturated with atmospheric oxygen. Scientists have found a border that prevents the interaction of the layers. Since the second half of the last century, this barrier has risen from 140 to 90 meters. Professor I assume this is due to global warming and deterioration of water quality.

Experts predict two catastrophic events – environmental and economic. If the oxygen barrier will lose an even greater amount of exposure, extinction threatens all living organisms in the upper layers of the sea. By the way, it will be convenience for holidaymakers, as is a swim in the Black sea will be banned.

Scientists continue to observe developments, and also pondering how to deal with the disaster.

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