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Scientists: aliens created more than a billion people on Earth

Scientists came to the conclusion that people with negative RH-factor was created by aliens.

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During the large-scale study, researchers came to an interesting conclusion. They noticed that the negative RH factor is unique on Earth. No evolutionary gene on the planet nor has this protein substance.


An interesting observation was that people with negative RH factor occur in the Earth rarely, and representatives of humanity with the first group and a negative at all unique and exceptional. They are unique donors, but can receive blood only from people with the same characteristics of the blood….

Ученые: инопланетяне создали более миллиарда людей на Земле

In addition, people with a negative RH no key evolutionary gene from rhesus monkeys, which can be traced all humanity. Consequently, they are not descendants of monkeys.


Scientists say that 35 thousand years ago, people with a negative rhesus factor the tribes had a high IQ, low body temperature, high sensitivity to heat and even greater awareness in all areas. These people are often observed hair with a red color or tinge, and blue, green or hazel eyes.


The scientists ‘ conclusion is confirmed by the course of pregnancy in women with a negative rhesus factor, especially if the man at conception it is positive. The body of wearer of the unusual RH-factor is trying to attack and kill the fetus, seeing it as a foreign body. Such women to maintain pregnancy introduce special solutions….


Source: http://politexpert.net/15375-uchenye-inoplanetyane-sozdali-bolee-milliarda-lyudei-na-zemle

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