Home / Science and technology / Samsung acknowledged the problems with the safety of their washing machines

Samsung acknowledged the problems with the safety of their washing machines

Samsung признала проблемы с безопасностью своих стиральных машинA few people complained about the explosions of the devices.

The company now discusses the risks of using certain models of washing machines with vertical loading with the Commission on consumer product safety USA (CPSC). This is stated in the statement published on the website of the company.

“In rare cases, a faulty model may undergo abnormal vibration, which may present a risk of injury or property damage when washing bedding, or bulky water-resistant materials,” – said in a statement.

Samsung advised consumers who noticed the fault, when washing of the clothes to use gentle with a low spin speed.

“There were no complaints when using this cycle,” says the company.

The report stresses that the problem only affects machines with a vertical load produced in the period from March 2011 to April 2016. Particular model the company does not name, but offers to consumers to enter in a special form on the website the serial number of your washing machine to see if it has this defect. In the message the CPSC says that the regulator and the company is working on a way of Troubleshooting.

According to The Wall Street Journal, in August, three consumers filed a lawsuit against Samsung, claiming their cars suddenly exploded during use.

According to one of them, Michelle Soto fielder from Texas, it Samsung washing machine purchased in June 2012, suddenly exploded in February 2016. According to the complaint, filed in U.S. district court in new Jersey, the explosion was so strong that it led to the dent in the wall of the garage, where the washing machine.

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