Home / Business / Russia has supplied Iraqi Kurds batch of anti-aircraft installations

Russia has supplied Iraqi Kurds batch of anti-aircraft installations

Россия поставила иракским курдам партию зенитных установок

The Iraqi Kurds have received a shipment of five Russian anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2. The weapon was given to them in the presence of Russian diplomats and the Deputy chief of the General staff of the Kurdish militia, reported the attaché of the General Consulate in the Iraqi Erbil Artem Grigoryan.

“The arms shipment came the day before yesterday, 14 March, and was intended for the armed forces of Iraqi Kurdistan — Peshmerga. The weapon was transferred in the presence of the Ambassador (Russia to Iraq) and Consul General (Russia), and Deputy chief of staff of the Peshmerga,” said he.

According to him, were transferred to “five anti-aircraft installations ZU-23-2 and 20 thousand shells to them,” reports RIA “Novosti”.

The diplomat noted that the Russian Ambassador in Baghdad Ilya Morgunov 13 March at the meeting with the President of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani discussed new deliveries of Russian weapons. “After the transfer of a shipment of weapons on March 14 the Ambassador (Russian Federation) said that this is not the last batch of weapons. He noted that Russia hoped that by using these weapons the Peshmerga and the Iraqi armed forces will defeat ISIL (“Islamic state” organization banned in Russia — approx. “Rosbalt”),” — said Grigoryan, noting that supplies are in “agreement with officials in Baghdad”.

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