Home / Oil / Russia and Belarus are not able to get on themselves the single market

Russia and Belarus are not able to get on themselves the single market

Россия и Белоруссия не могут ужиться на созданном ими самими едином рынке

The decision to ban Gazprom and Tatneft to supply Belarus with oil products due to the emergence of another scheme withdrawal of some Russian companies from withholding taxes. This opinion was expressed on 18 March EADaily Belarusian political analyst Nikolai Radov.

We will remind, on March 17 in the Russian media appeared information that in February, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has raised the question about the reasons of sharp growth of oil supplies to Belarus by Gazprom and Tatneft. Companies were encouraged to stop delivery of oil products to Belarus.

According to the expert, the probability that the data in gray schemes not involved someone from Belarusian officials. “Sell in Belarus, which itself provides gasoline, diesel and other fuels without preliminary coordination with state agencies is hardly possible, even though the EEU market. Especially when you consider that this is a serious blow to the local oil industry, which incurs losses due to the fall in oil prices,” said street.

“Of course, the volumes delivered to Belarus oil products is scanty, and talk about some big scheme, it’s early, but this is a definite Wake-up call to the Russian leadership. First trying out simple circuits, and then based on them are more complex, adapted to be removed where large amounts from Russia,” — said the expert.

In his opinion, it is necessary to recognize that the current conflict of interest is just one of the many existing today between Belarus and the Russian Federation. “And, like, nobody plans. Despite the single market, countries continue to co-exist in him, and therefore, such questions will arise and further. And no matter what is the case of merchants, in which the state to intervene do not seem to be. The political basis was, and remains a major in the Belarusian-Russian relations”, — summed up Nikolai Radov.

As reported EADaily, according to one of the traders that supplies of Belarusian gasoline to the Russian market, Gazprom and Tatneft won twice at growth of deliveries: to minimize taxes, as deliveries to Belarus are not exported, and a profit, because in the first two months of 2016 to supply gasoline at filling stations in Belarus was more profitable than the Russian market, due to the difference in price.

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