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Rulers from the main road

Правители с большой дороги

Правители с большой дороги



Rulers from the main road






Mr. President, the government plans to take away pensions from those who work. Decide: to start with those, whose salary more million a year? Or those who earns in a year more than half a million? That is per month gets 41 thousand.

Do the government feel like it is his money? It is something that rewards pensioners?


Правители с большой дорогиphoto: Gennady Cherkasov


No, the pension is not a gift from government, not the charity of the state, not the care of the elderly, although you personally and all people of power are constantly saying that care. Not necessary La-La. The money of pensioners. Yes, they are in the pocket of the state; but as the Deposit in the Bank is the depositor’s money, not the Bank.

People have earned a pension. Do high-ranking officials do not understand the meaning of the word “earn”? Pension — no bribes, no kickbacks, no cut, not even a prize. A personal money of those citizens who worked for many years; mostly on hard work.

Sorry to be so detailed and persistently explain that to you without us clear. But these letters, addressed to you, reading the entire top, and that’s her level of understanding leads us to have reasonable doubt.

And yet the tops have a bad habit of taking money from people. It earned be taken away, not stolen. The Soviet Union did and Russia, the successor state to the USSR, inherited, sorry, throwing gang signs).

Every time the robbery was called “reform.” The last Premier of the USSR Pavlov suddenly staged a “sharing” hundred-ruble note, but in fact it was a seizure. The first Prime Minister of Russia Gaidar destroyed the savings. Eyewitnesses (including Yavlinsky) say that Gaidar said: “It’s rubbish. They should burn”, and it was unclear: is it about money or talked about people.

Anyway, the savings in the savings Bank, the state Bank was destroyed. Sorry for the personal memories, maybe not too appropriate in the letter to the President, but you often bring the facts of personal biography. My grandmother worked from the age of 13 (and not just in words, but in the workbook) to 83. Worked in the team Likhachev, built ZIL. The last 30 years she was in charge of an important Department in the “Teploelektroproekt”. TEP has designed all thermal and nuclear power plants in the USSR and socialist countries. All these stations work (except Chernobyl, which exploded because of the fools-experimenters). She gave the work of force, the nerves, the mind, time — life. Admired her and only 83 were released to retire. But before leaving she received a pension and a salary, fed the whole family.

After it in the savings Bank there are about 10 thousand rubles — a car for those prices. In a moment the carriage turned not even a pumpkin and a piece of bread and a pack of cigarettes. Checkbooks lying around in my house, I can show you.

People said that savings are trash, they say, the money does not provided. Really?

Remember, Mr. President, you called for “Norilsk Nickel”. This plant is worth many billions of dollars. The engineers and workers who built and established this plant in hellish conditions, in permafrost, accumulated some amount. And then explained to them that their money is garbage.

How so? The plant, which they built — the Russian diamond industry brings huge profits. And the money that is earned by the builders, are worth nothing? It’s a miracle or a robbery?

The problem is so important that we don’t want bureaucratic to give readers a reason to be offended at the words and dismiss the problem. The point is not in words but in fact.

Mr. President, imagine a gang of robbers, strong armed men, cheated, defenseless, helpless old woman, promised her concern, and then — once, and took the purse. Any normal person would say that is scum, villainy, cruelty. But when the state — strong, armed — takes retirement, that is, of course, not cruelty, meanness, and politics, the economy, fiscal consolidation, the fight against inflation.

You, too, will affect weaning (if you had issued a pension) because your salary is much more than a million a year. But between you and countless pensioners there is an important difference. Your standard of living will not decrease: food, clothing, housing does not become worse. Might improve. After all, improved the salaries of deputies, despite the economic difficulties of the country.

…Since we turned out to be MPs, let’s start with it; they will vote for the expropriation.

To take money from the working pensioners the government wants, not because it’s violent, but because he has no money. But it is necessary to begin not with the hard workers and big bosses. In particular — MPs.

Time for the “United Russia” voted a quarter of the country’s voters, and paid them to cut four times (they still don’t live on the salary). “Fair Russia” received a 6% here and leave them 6 percent of salary. Let them live on 25 thousand roubles a month — much more than you get many nurses and nurses. And who more good? In the current scenario of the votes in the state Duma spravorossy nothing etc. do not decide; the legislature completely in the hands of “United Russia”.

Mr. President, I take this opportunity to offer (besides the cuts) one more important and beneficial reform in this painful and sensitive issue, as the salary of the deputies.

Let MPs pay those who vote for them. Why manically hold on to the myth of the “secret ballot”? First, all known. Second, why hide the sympathy? Signs person for an absentee ballot, even if it will be painted. But then everything will be fair. Hosted a party that you wanted to see in the Duma, your dream came true, the party would do anything for you, will take care of you — so pay her.

My there no. No. Why should I have to pay these types that get significantly more than me and nothing to me did a good (and the bad did a lot). And why do they have about 400 thousand a month? What is so bad about their work?

* * *

So, the government wants to take away the pension of everyone who earns 41 666 rubles and 66.6 cents per month — significantly less than the salary of the most stupid Deputy (they are not all equally intelligent). So they raise, and those who are ten times poorer — consuming. To add rich choices.

And again. Receiving 41 666 will lose their pensions, and 41 665 — save. Here will be the friendship of colleagues! That’s when everyone will believe in hell three sixes.

Mr. President, I hope, will not. Now — right here in this letter — pensioners of our country will be the proposed method of resistance. The way dreary, but reliable.

Attention! If a working pensioner 1 January lose my pension, then he must immediately resign from work. And from this moment he should return to retirement.

When will you return? How long will it take for all this? An hour or a month? And while a man will not be neither salaries, nor pensions. Tolerate?

Back? Thank you. Tomorrow I will get a job again and will get a pension and a salary. Took retired. Back — back.

The government (your phrase, Mr. President) torment swallowing dust — taking and returning, taking and returning. If at least one thousand working pensioners will decide to take our advice, we will stop the government’s juicer. They just choke. But it is not our money and your paperwork.


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