Home / Incredible / Rings around the centaur appeared due to the influence of the giant planets

Rings around the centaur appeared due to the influence of the giant planets

Кольца вокруг кентавров появились из-за влияния планет-гигантовCentaurs – large asteroids located between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune.

Astronomers from France and Japan found that the rings around the centaur 10199 Chariklo and 2060 Chiron was formed as a result of the gravitational influence of the giant planets.

According to scientists, when celestial body moves at a speed of about three to six kilometers per second, rotating around its axis with a period of eight hours, and is at a distance of 0.4-0.8 Roche limit of the planet, tidal forces of the giant begin to tear off a celestial body outer ice shell.

This leads to the fact that around the object is formed ring structure that is about 0.1-10% of the initial mass of a celestial body. Scientists have produced a computer simulation that showed that the subsequent convergence lead to new ring structures.

Centaurs – large asteroids located between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune. The two largest of them, 10199 Chariklo and 2060 Chiron, have ring structures. The diameter of these celestial bodies is more than 200 kilometers.

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