Home / Science and technology / Responsibility for the cyber attack on Twitter and Amazon took over the group New World Hackers

Responsibility for the cyber attack on Twitter and Amazon took over the group New World Hackers

Ответственность за кибератаку на Twitter и Amazon взяла на себя группировка New World Hackers Due to the hacking on Twitter, Netfliх, Soundcloud, PayPal and others have become unaffordable, passed the foreign portals.

In fact a DDoS attack U.S. intelligence agencies are checking, however, to prove that it was made by the specialists of the New World is almost impossible.

Malware spread among the users on the “Domino effect” – are they infected each other, and then they went on the attack on the servers of American sites. To send huge number of requests hackers used millions of Internet-related devices, but is poorly protected, such as video cameras.

In addition to the US has come under attack, and Europe, and to protect systems is not practically possible to cope with the traffic of such geographical importance.

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