Home / Incredible / Remnants of supernova explosion found on the bottom of the Pacific

Remnants of supernova explosion found on the bottom of the Pacific

Остатки от взрыва сверхновой обнаружены на дне Тихого океанаThe isotope of iron-60 was found at the bottom of the Pacific ocean.

The fragments of the exploded supernova was discovered at the bottom of the Pacific ocean.

After the analysis of the sediments of the ocean floor, scientists have discovered a completely new material, not existing on Earth.

The radioactive isotope iron-60, according to scientists, the 2.5 million years. That’s how much time breaks down this material. And accordingly, he appeared in the formation of our planet, that is, came from Space, as a consequence of the supernova explosion.

Magnitostaticheskie bacteria occurring on the Pacific bottom, die immediately after absorption of the iron, leaving the sediment particles of the material. These layers have the rare ability to persist for millions of years and may contain iron-60.

After receiving the samples, scientists have determined that the highest concentration of the substance was observed about 2.2 million years ago in the period of mass marine extinction.

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