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Published video of the launch and successful landing of the rocket Blue Origin

Опубликовано видео старта и успешной посадки ракеты Blue Origin

The company Blue Origin over the weekend for the third time successfully tested a suborbital spacecraft New Shepard. Reusable rocket rose to a height of 103 km, and then made a vertical landing using the engine brake. Capsule without a crew, which in the tests was separated from the rocket and landed using a parachute.

On successful completion of the tests in his Twitter account said the owner of Blue Origin Jeffrey Bezos, who also runs a large Internet retailer Amazon. He published a video of the launch and landing taken with the cameras on the drones and on the rocket.

The New Shepard vehicle is designed for tourist flights to 100 km altitude Earlier that rocket capsule twice successfully managed to plant in November last and in January of this year. This time capsule was scientific equipment for the two experiments.

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