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Proven curvature of the disk of the milky Way galaxy with the neighboring

Доказано искривление диска Млечного Пути соседней галактикойThe transformation of the milky way first detected in 1956.

Astrophysics from Cambridge University (UK) showed that dwarf elliptical galaxy in Sagittarius deform the disk of the milky Way. A study published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is available on the website arXiv.org.

The researchers analyzed the movement of celestial bodies in the star system and came to the conclusion that the dwarf elliptical galaxy in Sagittarius was originally the mass of the Sun is 60 billion times. To date, it has become easier a hundred times. Thus, scientists in the course of the observations confirmed the theoretical insights of colleagues, linking the mass loss of the dwarf elliptical galaxy in Sagittarius with the deformation of the disk of the milky Way.

Dwarf elliptical galaxy in Sagittarius was discovered in 1994. It is at the distance 80 thousand light-years from Earth. The milky Way as the result of tidal interaction breaks it to pieces, and the dwarf galaxy disk deforms it — some parts of the result are placed above and below the galactic plane.

The transformation of the milky way first detected in 1956 during the radio observations for the outer disk. In 2011, colleagues of the authors of the new study suggested that dwarf elliptical galaxy in Sagittarius affects the formation of the spiral structure of the Galaxy.

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