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Prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases in the fall

Не допускайте обострения хронических заболеваний осенью With the arrival of autumn often exacerbated chronic diseases.

At this time of the year when the weather is changing at lightning speed, and atmospheric pressure jumps, there is a significant risk of exacerbation of diseases of the heart and vascular system, appear headaches, I will remind myself of arthritis and arthrosis, increases the risk of cystitis.

How to improve your condition and help your body to overcome this kind of problem?..

In the fall to avoid aggravation of cardiovascular diseases

Problems with the cardiovascular system causing a lot of problems at any time of year, but autumn exacerbations occur most frequently, and are carried pretty hard. To cause exacerbation of the disease can banal hypothermia, cold, lack of sun and even everyday stress.

The most frequent patient complaints are General weakness, constant migraines, dizziness, spikes in blood pressure, tachycardia. Often shortness of breath, have pain in my chest. At the same time treat patients often are only symptoms, however, when the disease is already “covered”, the other way, perhaps, remains. But it is more effective to not wait until the sore heart, or your head will spin, and to keep your body in advance.

“The main preventive measure is proper sleep and proper mode. Need to sleep at least 8-9 hours, often outdoors, plus a balanced diet with plenty of grains, vegetables and fruits. On diet now need to forget! Not superfluous the additional intake of multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system,” advises a doctor Victoria Savitskaya.

The doctor recommends that, when possible, or at least outside of work, not to sit at the computer and the TV, relax more, connect with friends, go to the theatre or to exhibitions, in General, have more positive emotions and minimize stress.

“If you are taking any special medication, it’s important to follow the dosage and mode of their reception. In any case, if you feel unwell, not be amiss to consult with your doctor and take preventive measures,” – said the expert.

How to prevent migraine

When the change in atmospheric pressure, especially in the offseason, many complain about the deterioration of health, because the experts recommend to keep track of fluctuations and to take protective measures in advance.

Listening to or reading the weather forecasts, we often pay attention only to air temperature and precipitation, although extremely important to our health and well-being is the pressure, in fact it jumps often lead to headaches, migraines and other illnesses.

When the pressure changes outside, it also affects our “head”, hence poor health. Healthy people simply do not feel, but if you have a vascular problem, especially if you violated their tone, any changes we painfully experienced. Even more dangerous if disturbed blood circulation, such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, high cholesterol, back problems and spine. All this leads to the outflow of blood from the brain, that is actually the brain does not receive the necessary support, causing the pressure inside the skull is broken, and we feel headache. Not less of a problem provokes and high humidity – because of this, the broken skin to breathe.

To cope with hypoxia will help daily consumption of Linden tea, if unpleasant symptoms do not leave you for a few days – it makes sense to consult a specialist, quite possibly, it’s the call of the body for help, the doctor advises Victoria Savitskaya.

The medic also warned that changes in temperature and pressure, dangerous for people in age and for toddlers, the body is still not fully adapted to external conditions. Because these categories of citizens especially need to take care of their health – first and foremost, a good night’s sleep, give up bad habits, not to overeat, but to enrich your diet a variety of vitamin products.

A urinary tract infection will prevent the avoiding harmful habits and proper nutrition

In autumn the risk of exacerbation of cystitis is greater than ever, because experts strongly recommend choosing upper clothes below, length below the waist and eliminate harmful products from your diet.

To cause exacerbation of this disease can cold, hypothermia, infection and hormonal changes. As a rule, cystitis is manifested by a sharp pain, frequent urge to the toilet, and sometimes a fever.

The best thing you can do to reduce the risk of these symptoms to a minimum, – hygiene, to strengthen the immune system, to abandon the salty, spicy, exclude alcoholic beverages and coffee, as well as to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Drink plenty of pure mineral water without gas. And don’t forget – you need to dress for the weather and always choose the sweaters and sweatshirts below the belt. But to warm up cystitis without a doctor’s advice is not necessary – you can only provoke an attack of illness. You can drink a course of Immunostimulants based on herbs and herbal diuretics charges, and to prescribe antibiotics only the doctor. Do not self-medicate, expert advice.

To avoid worsening arthritis in the autumn to help moderate fiznagruzki and a healthy diet

The prevention of autumn exacerbation of arthritis and osteoarthritis is proper nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise.

To date, joint problems occur more often in young people. The defeat of joints creates a lot of problems in daily life, and when arthritis or osteoarthritis acute – aching pain and discomfort in the joints and does not give to live a full life. If the osteoarthritis affects only the joints, arthritis triggers inflammation throughout the body.

“To protect themselves from arthritis and osteoarthritis is impossible. But to reduce the risk of these diseases can be the right way of life, moderate and balanced diet and of course regular exercise. But if, unfortunately, you are already suffering from chronic disease as soon as possible to normalize your weight so as not to create additional stress on the joints, it will help to reduce the risk of exacerbation.

Moderate exercise is shown to all, and people with arthritis and osteoarthritis they are vital. It is important to consult with a specialist to select the perfect load. It is important to remember that without movement, our joints become inflexible, so to speak “turn to stone”, but excessive stress on joints can exacerbate. Thus, during acute illness, physical exertion is contraindicated,” warns the doctor Victoria Savitskaya.

It is very important proper diet, the doctor noted. You should give up fatty fried foods, too much salty snacks and red meat in favor of fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood. For bones and joints is very helpful gelatin and hryaschik.

“If you love jelly and jelly – often indulge in these dishes, as well as marmalade and natural candy. Drink more pure non-carbonated water to provide the body with sufficient amount of liquid for purification and renewal of cells”, – concluded the expert.

How to boost immunity without drugs: useful tips and recipes

In addition, the fall to improve your immune system to resist viruses and bacteria. It will also help to avoid aggravation of chronic diseases.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a universal remedy against viruses and bacteria. You can use fresh ginger root (grate a teaspoon per Cup of boiling water, and can dry. When the tea has cooled slightly, you can add a slice of lemon and spoon of honey. Then, antiviral and soothing effect will be even stronger.

Yogurt with bifidobacteria

To boost immunity without drugs will help yogurt with bifidobacteria. Eat natural yogurt and also all the products with live bacteria. Isn’t it bad intestinal flora greatly undermines the immune system.

Lime infusion

Drink at night teas with mint, lemon balm, sage. They gently enhance immunity, improve sleep, strengthens the protective functions of the body.

Natural vitamin C

It can be found in lemons, raspberry and currant jam. Vitamin C will help you to boost your immunity without drugs or pills. By the way, to get the most benefit, eat the lemon peel, and lemon tea add a spoonful of honey. The Cup should be warm water but not boiling water. Otherwise, the honey will lose its medicinal properties. Don’t forget about the miraculous compote of dried fruits

Replace sugar with fructose

100g of sugar that we have consumed for the day interfere with the white blood cells to fight bacterial infection within five hours of sweet fun. To the probability of getting sick was less, replace the sugar with fructose or stevia.

Clean water

The usual drink plenty of pure water. Better mineral. It can quickly remove toxins from the body and will not allow the virus to progress. Daily ration is two liters.

Healthy eating

In the period of colds is not necessary to sit on diets that weaken the body. You better eat more protein foods, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.


To strengthen the immune system useful when hardening is a gradual and bottom-up – first sling legs from the knees, then from the belt, and only then can you pour or take a cold shower to cool completely. Contrast showers also work, but start with small temperature difference and gradually over 10-14 days, do the water cooler. Very important for the immune system the fresh air. Moreover, to strengthen the immune system it is better to walk at a brisk pace to give the body a certain load.

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