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India and Iran: maneuvers between the East and the West

In the old days, India and Iran were linked fairly warm relationship based on religious and cultural unity and economic cooperation. At the time, Iran took the third place on volume of deliveries to India of oil, so necessary for the growing Indian industry. However, in the last decade, when …

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Iran and sanctions: what’s wrong?

Iran’s road to liberation from the sanctions after the decision of the problems with the Iranian nuclear program (INP) was long and arduous. It would seem that after reaching the known arrangement of six world powers with Tehran on July 14, 2015 all had to go like clockwork. Indeed, at …

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Erdogan told how to build relations with Russia

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara it is time to bring relations with Moscow to a new level, which will be even higher than the relationship before the incident with the downed Russian plane over Syria. Such a statement, the Turkish leader made at the opening session of …

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Expect the US to withdraw from Syria?

In the recent weakening of the US position in the middle East has become noticeable even to the naked eye. That alone is worth the fight with the Saudi government, which has diminished the impact of the Americans on the region. But do not forget about the traditional loss of …

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Russia – the only reliable supplier of gas to China

One of the noticeable trends of the market of hydrocarbons is the desire of the participating countries to reduce the threat to our ecology, without reducing energy consumption. This means that over time an increasing preference for more “clean” energy. The greatest damage to the environment, according to experts, causes …

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Transit potential of Ukraine: Requiem for a dream

  After the “victory of the Maidan” Kiev regime announced the inevitability of the European integration course of Ukraine. True Ukrainian “integration” was associated with deindustrialization, the flight of social capital and the loss of the country’s transit potential – all of this you can predict by looking at the …

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Glass beads for leader Poroshenko

White people have learned to barter for glass beads the gold from the Indians. Times change and the Indians, and the beads, and the skills of white people remain. Remarkable restraint was shown by the pale-faced U.S. Secretary of Commerce penny Pritzker during a meeting in Kiev with leader of …

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