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The winning country of the women, or Why Russia despise feminism

Excellent report SW. I. V. Alksnis about #aboussafy, which cracks the protection of the seventh level and I want to file a lawsuit in Strasbourg and the Hague.


Highly respected in the world of the liberal Friedrich Naumann Foundation held in Russia, sociological research and came to the conclusion that This Country (™) hopeless. It is inhabited by ultra-conservative homophobes with a slave mentality.

But the results of the study moment, which confused the Germans that do not fit into a fairly coherent picture of the obscurantist of Mordor, namely:

“It is noteworthy that these ultra-conservative views do not find expression in relation to the income of family members: 63.5% of respondents positively evaluated the situation in which the wife earns more than her husband”.

This, in turn, consistent with other studies, as the reality in which lives the majority of Russians.

VTSIOM published the results of a new poll that suggests that Russians, in General, quite favorable to the idea of playing woman key political and government posts, including the Premiership. An exception is made for the management of power structures (only 12 percent of respondents support this idea) and the first post in the state (32 percent).

In parallel, Russia is a world leader in the percentage of women managers. It is alleged that in 2016 they account for 45% of higher management positions, which is 5 points higher than a year earlier (40%). Not to mention the fact that women occupy such important for the country’s positions as head of the Central Bank and audit chamber (about the Ministers of the social block can not mention at all).

However, this text is devoted not to demonstrating how in Russia all is well in the field of female emancipation, and an attempt to understand why we do so well in this matter – much better than the “average hospital” than in the West, which, apparently, are a world flagship of the fight for women’s rights.

If you alter one witty statement, we can say that “Russia has forgotten about the emancipation of women more than the West ever will know it”.

The fact that women’s emancipation have become part of the overall voluntary-coercive process of dragging the country out of the traditional (and Patriarchal) state into modernity, which was carried out by the Bolsheviks after the revolution.

Of course, then, in 1920-30-e years there were excesses, problems and tragedies associated with the alignment of women’s rights and social status with men. But compared to other Grand processes, literacy, industrialization, collectivization and reconstruction of the entire social order was part of the overall picture, and not the most significant.

As a result, this led to problems that are still painfully felt and resolved in Western society, are generally not perceived as such in Russia, because it is decided by our grandmothers-great grandmothers still 70-90 years ago.

For America national pride are women who during the Second world war stood for the factory machines instead went to the front men (they proved that women too can work in production – We can do it!). This is the topic of a great number of works of art as to how painful and difficult it was for Americans to return to the status of Housewives, when returning after the war, the men pushed them off the plants.

For Russia, the toiler of the rear are also a source of pride. That’s just cause is not the fact of women working in factories (the beginning of the war in the USSR was not anything out of the ordinary), and the difficult conditions in which they had to do the bombing, malnutrition, 12-hour shifts without days off, etc. etc.

But there were still women serving in the army, not only in the rear and in support functions, but also fought directly on the frontline (radio operators, snipers, pilots), for the Western world, even now it is difficult to detect, and 80 years ago was completely unthinkable.

Many decades of intense social promotion of women in the USSR led to the fact that gender equality is quite organically entered into the public consciousness, the rest is really largely traditional.

This is generated by a contemptuous attitude towards modern feminism in Russia. And not only from men (who could be accused of folly and chauvinism), but also women, including the most successful.

For a society in which women for nearly a century have the right to vote, which for many decades is no surprise the woman is a doctor, engineer or Minister, the quota for women’s representation in leadership, forced leave of absence for child care for fathers and claims of discrimination look like an imitation of equality, and not him.

Russia knows that women can put sleepers to fly into space, to fight and to lead the state. As you know, in Russian history, only two of the Emperor was rewarded with the prefix “Great”, one of them was female and that her name is associated with the period that remained in domestic history – or mythology – how a Golden age.

As a result, Russian society has long been outgrown Western attitudes toward women’s emancipation, which is in our eyes not very smart teenage maximalism.

We have the basis of native-homespun pragmatism. Sleepers is better to let put the car. At the forefront of good women no longer at war – the great Patriotic enough. If a woman wants something she can give birth to children and husband to cook borscht, and transnational Corporation to steer (but it is not necessary to count on indulgences on the career path). As for the leadership of the state, if there is a suitable candidate, it seems to me that 68 percent of opponents of this option can easily change their minds.

By the way, perhaps, the relative ease in Russia established not formal, but real equality of the sexes, is connected with the fact, that in the Russian language (one of the few, by the way) “man” and “man” are two different words.

In Russia, historically there is no doubt that the woman is human.

Irina Alksnis

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