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The collapse of the Ukrainian information “Gestapo”

Start with the unimportant and uninteresting, at first glance, the fact that one of the Vice-head of the “Ministry of truth” (the state propaganda organ headed by the godfather of the President Yuri Stec) Tatiana Popova resigned. And in a sign of protest against violations of journalists ‘ rights, pressure …

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The liberals went on the attack on Putin

The current President, according to the ratings research centers, enjoys the confidence of the majority of Russians — 80 % and above. And no deterioration in the economic situation in the country and issues on the foreign policy front does this rating is not affected. In terms of the rapidly …

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Putin and Erdogan put enemies on your knees

  A failed coup forced the Turkish President to stop dilly-dally and go to urgent cooperation with Vladimir Putin. It notes that Russia has sent Ankara, no phone calls.     To speed up the process of reconciliation on both sides, Erdogan himself was going to Russia. However, of course, …

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In the Baltic States will soon hold a “Ukrainian scenario”

Separate from the “General considerations”: Divination in the midst of the Maidan.. ..to make a maximum attack on Russia is beneficial when from all sides maximum imposed, will inflate the more hot spots, destruction and anarchy.._ The formula is simple and clear. And something here is very striking....That North Korea …

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Ukraine will not break off diplomatic relations with Russia

A complete rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia will not be — such a verdict issued on Friday, the political Director of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Alexey Makeev. His words leads to “Interfax”. “No, about a complete rupture of diplomatic relations with Russia. First of all, because …

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The Olympics and politics

Scandals were accompanied by almost all of the Games after the revived Olympic movement. When speakers our Central channels, and gleefully tell from the screen about how great it is that the Russian athletes still go to Rio de Janeiro and emotion assert that de, a fellow of the IOC, …

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The Council recognized the lack of “Russian aggression”

  Verkhovna Rada Deputy Eugene Moore said that Ukraine was not able to provide international organizations with evidence about the presence of Russian military forces in the Donbas. According to the politician, in Europe do not perceive empty words about “aggressive Russia”. Moore added that he wrote a formal request …

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Dmitry Gudkov: the Praetorian everything is permitted?

Isn’t it time to just allow all of the national guard? And to enshrine in law — the Praetorian can do anything. Why these half-measures did not fire into the crowd, demonstrations, opportunities to break into the apartment and further down the list. Now the eviction of the debtor and …

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Obama in his birthday said he does not trust Putin

President Barack Obama said that he doesn’t trust Russian leader Vladimir Putin, namely not believe that that will help to reduce the intensity of violence in Syria. This writes the American edition of Politico, recounting Obama’s speech on Thursday, August 4, at a press conference at the Pentagon. The article …

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