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Dmitry Gudkov: the Praetorian everything is permitted?

Дмитрий Гудков: преторианцам все дозволено?

Isn’t it time to just allow all of the national guard? And to enshrine in law — the Praetorian can do anything. Why these half-measures did not fire into the crowd, demonstrations, opportunities to break into the apartment and further down the list. Now the eviction of the debtor and the suspension of activities of enterprises.

So the National guard, according to the interior Ministry, needs to help the bailiffs.
One question remains: why then the bailiffs? Why, then, all other power units, if you already have a universal soldier? What then to be surprised by a bloated security budget, if you want to give money not only to the army, FSB, MVD, and so forth, but here is the comprehensive national guards, in which employees will be more than 340 thousand people (how many exactly — no one knows all the secret).
And power seriously hope that in case all of these 340 thousand will go in the center of Moscow and will protect them from us. As in the case with Ivan the Terrible, it only says bad knowledge of history. Catherine the great came right on the bayonets of the guard, and Peter the Third, then the number of randomly threw during a card game, so that’s a happy coincidence.

And don’t forget: at the same time the National guard is the documents on the weapon, private and private security, riot police, special forces… all under the personal supervision of the guard of the President.

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