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The liberals went on the attack on Putin

Либералы пошли в атаку на Путина

The current President, according to the ratings research centers, enjoys the confidence of the majority of Russians — 80 % and above. And no deterioration in the economic situation in the country and issues on the foreign policy front does this rating is not affected. In terms of the rapidly approaching as parliamentary, to a greater extent, the presidential election that Putin’s stability deep pain sitting in a certain place of the liberals. They made so much for the rocking of the ship “Russia”, and Putin does not give a damn. And they forgot about mimicry, had a ball.

The liberal acts of vandalism most likely throw themselves in domestic politics. This is understandable. Foreign policy issues and processes, the President tightly holds on personal control. And the team in this direction Putin collected more homogeneous. And most of the time and energy the President directs on the solution of problems in the external environment. At the domestic it is simply not always enough. And, most importantly, the team here is mixed, with a predominance of the figures of the liberal persuasion. For these objective reasons the opponents of Putin’s inner field of activities more openly than they do. Only in the last few days the liberals have carried out several brazen attacks on Putin’s rating.

One of the balls just chunk the first suede of the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov — Tatyana Nesterenko, who said that by the end of 2017, the reserves will be exhausted, with the result that the government will not be able to pay wages.

That is, the impact caused a specific and spot-on all state employees at once, and the time and salary of the collapse” of the corresponding electoral layer is deposited in the subcortex clearly in the midst of the presidential election campaign.

Next attack deals a formal “right hand” of the President Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, this time another Council-Perl “reassure” teachers: “you Want money, go into business.” Got a little smart Medvedev — get Putin. In this calculation. And Medvedev is well aware of this. Well, first, the “successor”. Second, the “permanent Premier under Putin-2. So, in your Board, if Putin keeps it with all the mistakes and disastrous economic policies. And then there’s the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, adding fuel to the fire, commenting on the fact of the petition with a proposal to deprive the post of Medvedev, they say, in connection with the provocative nature of the petition to consider it in the Russian government do not intend to.

Sums of Vladimir Putin and personal levity in dealing with liberals. Its typical example is yesterday’s meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia German Gref. “The largest Bank of Russia, as it has positioned itself Gref, in the first six months of this year earned net profit of 229 billion”. What is it? Only that due to the predatory interest rate policy of the economy is derived and the population seized 229 billion. While mortgage lending is issued at 12 %. And the President also Gref and plays along: “it is Necessary to note that your clients do not think that now is better to wait and not to take out a mortgage, under what is now, under 12%?.. And it is better not to wait for 11, because inflationary processes are developing, and so forth, so who wants and is ready, it is better to do now.”

Here one should applaud Putin’s advisers (obviously liberals) podkopaevskij President that he had personally acted as an advertiser of the savings Bank and its predatory lending policy. The same policy, which is increasingly widening the gap between fattening meager tip and the rest of Russia.

Don’t spend incorrect comparison between the incomes of oligarchs or even the top managers of state companies and the average Russian. Consider a more mundane version of “servant of the people”-the Deputy and the average Russians. So the monthly salary of the Deputy of the state Duma — 450 thousand rubles, the average s/n in the country — 30-32 thousand. That is the difference — 14-15 times. And throw a glance over the ocean, a member of Congress receives 174 thousand a year, Ms. s/n across America — 45 thousand. The difference is less than four times!

The question is, what do we have Americans adopt only the worst (from the movie up economic models and advisors), and positive examples slip past us? And for this I must thank all those same liberals. When on their own myopia and stupidity, when the direct pointer and the go-ahead from overseas, leading to the collapse of Russia and civilizational impasse.

Why should they? A comprehensive answer to this question is given for a long time. In short: the liberal clique do not see their future in Russia, her country — only fatty pie, which she with feverish speed to take away their foreign burrows. In this “Holy” thing Putin is confused beneath their feet. He wants to conduct “independent foreign policy”, “strengthen and modernize the Armed Forces of the country”, you can play social games with people, to save Syria… Anything that the liberals do not need, it does not fit into their small plans. And absolutely does not correspond to the plans of their overseas curators using Russian liberals for the most part in the dark.

Hence their attacks on Putin, on it if you want, rating. Cheap and showy moves liberals, when indirectly when directly cast a shadow on the incumbent. The ultimate purpose of their “game of chess” — maximum discredit of the head of state, changing it to beneficial in all respects for yourself figure. And those few “rough stock” liberals mentioned above, only a few moves in is called “game of chess”.

Important: the incomparably greater danger is not the liberals of the so-called non-systemic opposition, “legal” liberals feel at ease at all levels and branches of government.

See whether it is Putin himself? Of course. Taking steps to preserve the course and power? Of course. But in his characteristic manner Ceramiczny. It still relies on its “vertical” to strengthen “their team”. Indicative in this respect was a “day of resignation” — 28.07.16, the mass, when Putin replaced three envoys, dismissed four governors and one Ambassador and abolished the Crimean Federal district. Many of these posts assigned to the security forces.

Putin again showed that he believes “his people” and not really trust people. And, in General, correctly do not trust. One of the experts 86% of Russians support Putin in the polls “lion-FOM-polls” called “cowardly sly ground. And Putin, who himself has repeatedly publicly responded sarcastically about all sorts of ratings, is aware of this better than others. In the case of serious dust-to steer, to manage the process will be an active minority. Such 86% the mass of podderjanie Putin” there is not a lot. As noted by sociologist Yuri Levada, “cowardly man” is the man who depends on the government, it can endure the hardships of his reign, the fear of anarchy”.

People used to Putin. Even if it’s hard, but steadily without shock tracking. And it turns out that people “support” Putin, but on the street will not marry him. Well, if only at the polling station to vote for the next term “heavy stability.”

Putin knows it, and therefore strengthens “its vertical, which is only hoped for. Meanwhile, as history shows, in the case of serious, systemic shocks no “vertical of power” does not stand up. Breaks. Real support has always been and remains the people. If it is really the people. As such it becomes, when combined a great idea. At the time, in the article “advice to Putin,” I said, “And then (Putin) need to define the first position Russia — for the people or for the bureaucratic-oligarchic elite?”. People are very sensitive to the attitude of the authorities to themselves. If Putin had chosen a policy of restoring social justice, then today he would not “cowardly evil ground, and the people, which you can safely rely on in any situation.

What will end the liberal attack on Putin? This is a game with multiple endings. Guaranteed success Putin is able to bring only one strategy, when the vector of its policy clearly and unambiguously to designate Russia — for all the people. Time and opportunity for Putin to do this, there are still.

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