Home / Incredible / Pluto’s moon Hydra is covered with pure ice

Pluto’s moon Hydra is covered with pure ice

Спутник Плутона Гидра покрыт чистейшим льдомRoughly Hydra was formed 4 billion years ago.

NASA received new information about the four small moons of Pluto. The data given by the automatic interplanetary station, New Horizons, show that Hydra, with a distant small companion of the dwarf planet, mostly composed of deposits of water ice.

This confirms the assumption of scientists about the high reflectivity of the Hydra.

Information which recently came to Earth, was obtained by means of tools Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) on 14 July last year from a distance of 240 thousand miles.

Hydra spectrum similar to the spectrum of Charon, the largest satellite of Pluto, and on its surface is also dominated by the crystal clear water ice. However, the depth of the ice shield on the Hydra much more than on Charon.

This occurs presumably because the ice particles small companion much more than a large, or reflected at a different angle. Roughly Hydra was formed 4 billion years ago from the ice debris caused by the separation of matter from a binary system of Pluto-Charon.

Deep water frontiers, as well as the increased reflectivity of the Hydra does not mean it is a lot of pollution dark matter which has accumulated on the Charon over time.

At the moment scientists are trying to figure out why the ice Hydra is much cleaner than on Charon. Presumably, the constant meteor showers are clearing pollution, exploding on the surface of the satellite.

Such manipulations may not be as effective on the larger surface of Charon, whose stronger gravity keeps any debris that arises from such hearth collisions.

Academic team project New Horizons, expect to receive similar information about other small satellites of Pluto, to compare it with the one already on the Hydra and Charon.

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